I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to speak to Lizzy Talbot several times over the past months. Always there to help and think things through. Lizzy is an experienced intimacy coordinator working for many years in the industry.
Recently picked up in the media for her impressive work on the Netflix serie Bridgerton, tap on the picture below to view the full interview (10min video)
From Sex education, Bonding, Blue is the warmest color, You me her to Sexify... intimacy coordinators are working hard at keeping all Netflix shoots safe and sound.

Dream scenario
The work of an intimacy coordinator often (unfortunately) happens on the day, prepping scenes on the phone and coming in and out of shoots. What happened on the Bridgerton series, with the actors rehearsing a whole month on horse riding, dancing and intimate scenes is no less than a dream scenario.
Looking for a professional intimacy coordinator for your production? Go ahead and go to my services page